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Welcome to year 2100.

After years of research and development,
the dream of colonizing Mars has come true.
The Red Planet is habitable! There are already
colonies stablished on Mars. Be part of this adventure.

Mars Colonization Programs

Research Program

Research Program

The research program is dedicated to the evolution of colonies and data collection, using Martian technology and Earth technology, and mineral resources found on Mars. To be part of the program, you scientists can submit to a process where we will analyze your future contributions to Mars and to Colony. The Mars Research Program can be temporary or permanent, and each one has a different selection process. It is possible to live on Mars permanently and develop several researches that will contribute to colonization or to improve life on Earth. The temporary program anticipates that the scientist will live on Mars for 10 years, where their main objective will be to promote human life and find resources so that the human species can live on any other planet. Each one will have its colony where it is obliged to help the settlers with their daily difficulties and fulfill the objective of their investigations.

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Why did we choose Mars?