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Welcome to year 2100.

After years of research and development,
the dream of colonizing Mars has come true.
The Red Planet is habitable! There are already
colonies stablished on Mars. Be part of this adventure.

Colonization Programs.

Programa de Pesquisa

Research Program

The research program was dedicated to colony evolution and data collection, using Martian technology and mineral resources found on Mars. To be part of the program, you scientists can undergo a process where we will analyze your future contributions to Mars and the Colonies. The development of Mars depends on research, and you can be part of that team.

>Programa de Trabalho

Work Program

The Mars Work Program is dedicated to manual labor, building living blocks, habitat maintenance, organizing and distributing meals, any ordinary person can live and work on Mars as part of this program, the selection process is totally different, during the selection candidates are subjected to various psychological and resistance tests.

Programa de Colonização

Colonization Program

The Colonization Program is totally different from other programs, it is dedicated to the multiplication of human life on Mars, in this program families or young couples can apply, the process is simplified, the fertility of couples and their ability to live in small groups will be analyzed . For children, Mars has a whole structure with schools for life to develop with knowledge.


Messages from the Settlers